In the wake of widespread allegations detailing disgraced CBC Radio personality Jian Ghomeshi’s long history of violent sexual assaults, Winnipeg-based writer and journalist Melissa Martin (@DoubleEmMartin) joins us in the basement. We discuss her experience being introduced to the “open secret” of Ghomeshi’s unsettling behaviour towards women; how that kind of open secret is mirrored more broadly in society; why the criminal justice system is not the right model for dealing with sexual assault; and how our twisted and deficient views on consent and sexuality allow abusers like Jian to believe they’ve done nothing wrong. Then to lighten the mood, we bring you the third installment of G7 Radio, this time featuring The Weakerthans’ debut album “Fallow”.

Episode Links

Jian Ghomeshi: 8 women accuse former CBC host of violence, sexual abuse or harassmentThe week that was: How Jian Ghomeshi news unfoldedJian Ghomeshi's Facebook postDo You Know About JianI Didn't Report Because Fuck YouFor battered NFL wives, a message from the cops and the league: Keep quietSorry, we haven't reached a 'watershed' on violence against women

Episode Music

The Weakerthans – LeashThe Weakerthans – Letter of Resignation

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