Sen, Filip, Diana, and Jess discuss "Dealing in Desire: Asian Ascendancy, Western Decline, and the Hidden Currencies of Global Sex Work" by Kimberly Kay Hoang. Asians in the diaspora are often highly critical of the exploitation of white "sexpats" in Asia. While the criticism is completely justified, it is also an incomplete and western-centric perspective. Dr. Hoang's exploration illuminates Vietnam's sex work industry as dynamic, multifaceted, and directly tied to capital flow and nation-building. What can diaspora men and women learn from this research to better support ourselves, each other, and the workers in our homelands?

Sen (@sen_goji)
Filip (@filipgwriting)
Diana (@discoveryduck)
Jess (@cogitatotomato)

-"Dealing in Desire: Asian Ascendancy, Western Decline, and the Hidden Currencies of Global Sex Work"

[email protected]

EFPA Opening Theme:
"Fuck Out My Face" by Ayekay (