Teen and Chris discuss canvassing for local politicians in Queens, and the aftermath of Super Tuesday. After what seems like an entire year of campaigning, we are down to the final two viable Democratic candidates... and a full 8 months to go before the actual election. With the likes of MSNBC and CNN on full 24-hour Situation Room style reporting, will people just be totally exhausted and sick of politics by Fall?

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Teen (@mont_jiang)

Chris (@chrisjesulee)


Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders' losses: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/03/04/super-tuesday-bernie-sanders-youth-votes-fell-short-compared-2016/4947795002/

EFPA Opening Theme:
"Fuck Out My Face" by Ayekay (open.spotify.com/artist/16zQKaDN5XgHAhfOJHTigJ)