Harmony, also known as Node 2, was delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) by the STS-120 Shuttle mission last October. After STS-120 returned to Earth, the ISS Expedition 16 crew continued work to move Harmony to its final destination and get it ready to receive the next stage of the ISS: Europe's Columbus laboratory. Columbus has been installed in the cargo bay of Space Shuttle Atlantis, ready for launch at 22:31 CET (21:31 UT) on December 6th. Two European astronauts will deliver the European Columbus laboratory to the ISS on this historical space mission. During his 12 day mission to the ISS, ESA astronaut Hans Schlegel will undertake 2 spacewalks to install the laboratory. His colleague, Léopold Eyharts, will oversee the installation and the start-up of Columbus and its scientific facilities during a two month stay on board the Station. Once in place, the laboratory will begin to bear the fruits of Europe's investment in the International Space Station Programme.

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