Tracey Warren: "I believe community is the key to success in life and business. That is why I do what I do.

As a community creator and connector, InSpark Coworking was exactly the right business for me to open in 2017. We started as a way to create community and connect in person with local business owners. Now, shifting and working with business owners focused on building relationships, creating community and growing engagement - online and off.

Every day, I get to connect with and support women in business – hands on! I didn’t know when I started, but this is exactly what I was born to do!

I am a rabid supporter and loving truthteller. And, I am so excited to cheer you on when you are successful, and encourage you when you need a gentle nudge.

Most days, you will likely find me quoting some random movie line or breaking into song based on our conversation – or laughing out loud at something I found funny!

Ultimately, I believe we are better together, and coworking is just one part of that!

In addition, I love sharing about creating community as an author, speaker and frequent podcast guest."


Female-identifying (or non-binary) and want to be a guest? Book here!

About Erin

Erin Keam is a Clarity & Confidence & Closet Coach with her own insightful, fun and unique Method developed from her years spent in media, retail, marketing, TV & film production, real estate, copywriting, sales., the self-development field and a passion for fashion.

This Method, which provides instant insights and lasting results helps you uncover your vision, create an action plan, gives you accountability and cherishes you along the way with cheerleading and celebration. You'll also discover your inner closet via exploring beloved possessions in your home to find personal themes and create a one-of-a-kind Style Statement. This "aha" experience will transform the way you get dressed and positively impact your closet, business, career and life as well as the way you show up IRL, on camera & social media.

To invest in a personalized strategy session click here (and you'll also find out more):

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