Bolton fired as National Security Adviser; Sources: Trump believed Bolton's team was leaking about Taliban meeting; Source: Bolton fired because of dysfunctional cutthroat, snake pit atmosphere in Trump administration; Sources: Trump skeptical of using foreign spies to collect intelligence on hostile countries; Trump now seeking 4th National Security Adviser in less than 3 years after John Bolton's sudden departure; Trump seeking 4th National Security Adviser after Bolton's exit; New CNN poll: 60% say Trump doesn't deserve second term; New CNN poll: Trump's approval at 39%, lowest since January; Trump approval slips amid recession and trade war concerns; Awaiting first results in North Carolina special election; House Democrats threaten to subpoena over Trump resort documents; NYT: Trump had deal with airport that sent flight crews to his Scottish resort; Trump: "nothing to do with" airport; NYT: Air Force stops at Scottish Airport surged after Trump took office; some crews sent to Trump resort; Trump touts "Tallahassee Trail" (it doesn't exist); On the hunt for Trump's "Tallahassee Trail"
