Sanders warns Putin to "stay out" of U.S. elections as Trump calls intel on 2020 interference "disinformation", NY Times: new intel chief asks to see evidence behind briefing that Russia is trying to help Trump win in 2020, Source: Trump's new personnel head hunting for disloyal staffers, Sanders warns Putin on efforts to help his campaign: "you are not going to be interfering in U.S. elections, Sanders disavows Putin's efforts to help his campaign, Sanders calls out Washington Post for reporting on Russia's efforts to help his campaign on eve of Nevada caucuses, Sanders, Trump send starkly different messages after learning Russia is trying to help campaigns, Biden: "I know Russia doesn't want me to win", Bloomberg releases female employees from NDA agreements, Warren responds: "That's just not good enough", Sanders refuses to release full medical records, CNN examines Sanders' medical documents released after heart attack, Doctor faces new investigation after Evelyn Yang and dozens of women accused him of sexual assault

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Sanders warns Putin to "stay out" of U.S. elections as Trump calls intel on 2020 interference "disinformation", NY Times: new intel chief asks to see evidence behind briefing that Russia is trying to help Trump win in 2020, Source: Trump's new personnel head hunting for disloyal staffers, Sanders warns Putin on efforts to help his campaign: "you are not going to be interfering in U.S. elections, Sanders disavows Putin's efforts to help his campaign, Sanders calls out Washington Post for reporting on Russia's efforts to help his campaign on eve of Nevada caucuses, Sanders, Trump send starkly different messages after learning Russia is trying to help campaigns, Biden: "I know Russia doesn't want me to win", Bloomberg releases female employees from NDA agreements, Warren responds: "That's just not good enough", Sanders refuses to release full medical records, CNN examines Sanders' medical documents released after heart attack, Doctor faces new investigation after Evelyn Yang and dozens of women accused him of sexual assault

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