United States reporting 1,907 new deaths so far today; United States coronavirus cases top 634,000, deaths surpass 27,000; Business leaders tell Trump more testing needed before reopening; Study: People may be most infectious days before symptoms appears; Los Angeles may ban large concerts and sporting events until 2021; Trump: New distancing guidelines will be announced tomorrow; FDA authorizes two new antibody tests, can help determine whether a person is immune to coronavirus; Top scientists warn White House about reliability of antibody tests: it's a "work in progress"; Dr. Fauci: "We don't have all the answers" on antibodies; As United States coronavirus deaths surpass 27,000, a vaccine developed by the NIH is undergoing human trials; World Health Organization: 70 vaccines are in the works, three are in human trials; Volunteer in coronavirus vaccine trial shares his experience; Trump's name to be added to stimulus checks; Some Americans rationing medicine until they get stimulus checks; Thousands protests strict stay-at-home order in Michigan; Thousands of protesters block traffic, honk horns to oppose Michigan governor's stay-at-home order; "Dozens upon dozens" ignore social distancing guidelines; Trump passes the buck to United States governors on coronavirus testing needed to reopen United States economy, threatens "strong action" if they don't do good job; Trump: "We have the right to do whatever we want; Americans desperate to get sports back; Take me out to the ball game. Or not.;

See omnystudio.com/policies/listener for privacy information.

United States reporting 1,907 new deaths so far today; United States coronavirus cases top 634,000, deaths surpass 27,000; Business leaders tell Trump more testing needed before reopening; Study: People may be most infectious days before symptoms appears; Los Angeles may ban large concerts and sporting events until 2021; Trump: New distancing guidelines will be announced tomorrow; FDA authorizes two new antibody tests, can help determine whether a person is immune to coronavirus; Top scientists warn White House about reliability of antibody tests: it's a "work in progress"; Dr. Fauci: "We don't have all the answers" on antibodies; As United States coronavirus deaths surpass 27,000, a vaccine developed by the NIH is undergoing human trials; World Health Organization: 70 vaccines are in the works, three are in human trials; Volunteer in coronavirus vaccine trial shares his experience; Trump's name to be added to stimulus checks; Some Americans rationing medicine until they get stimulus checks; Thousands protests strict stay-at-home order in Michigan; Thousands of protesters block traffic, honk horns to oppose Michigan governor's stay-at-home order; "Dozens upon dozens" ignore social distancing guidelines; Trump passes the buck to United States governors on coronavirus testing needed to reopen United States economy, threatens "strong action" if they don't do good job; Trump: "We have the right to do whatever we want; Americans desperate to get sports back; Take me out to the ball game. Or not.;

See omnystudio.com/policies/listener for privacy information.