Cities, states, hospitals plead for more coronavirus supplies, Hospitals say they are in desperate need of medical supplies as number of Coronavirus cases soars in U.S., New York nears 8,000 cases; nearly half of U.S. total, NY doctor with Coronavirus: "like nothing I've ever experienced", Goldman Sachs predicts 2.25 unemployment claims this week; would be highest on record, restaurant owner lays off 4,500 employees due to virus, Pressure mounts to postpone summer Olympics in Tokyo, Americans coping with crisis by finding creative ways to help

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Cities, states, hospitals plead for more coronavirus supplies, Hospitals say they are in desperate need of medical supplies as number of Coronavirus cases soars in U.S., New York nears 8,000 cases; nearly half of U.S. total, NY doctor with Coronavirus: "like nothing I've ever experienced", Goldman Sachs predicts 2.25 unemployment claims this week; would be highest on record, restaurant owner lays off 4,500 employees due to virus, Pressure mounts to postpone summer Olympics in Tokyo, Americans coping with crisis by finding creative ways to help

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