In episode 73 of the podcast, Eric talks with Greg Newby about Project Gutenberg, the history of eBooks, copyright law, and related topics.

Dr. Greg Newby is an international expert in the use of technology for discovery and understanding, in support of activities and programs for the common good. Newby has helped to shape high performance computing, data management, and research software in Canada, the United States, and overseas. He is expert in service design and delivery, including software, systems, support, and infrastructure.

He has volunteered as the Director and CEO of the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation, which operates Project Gutenberg, since 2000. Project Gutenberg is a library of free online eBooks, and is one of the oldest online content providers in the world. Its mission is to encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks. New Project Gutenberg eBooks are based on published works for which United States copyright protection has expired. These eBooks are selected and digitized by volunteers.

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