What better way to celebrate the life and work of actor Eric Roberts than watching a film where his performance was pasted in from a different movie entirely? That's the case with A KARATE CHRISTMAS MIRACLE, which is already pretty darn confusing, and then they add in scenes from a horror movie, and then forget to have any karate in it. OOPS! Anyway, this is real bad, but thankfully we have martial arts expert (and author of the memoir I OVERCAME MY AUTISM AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY ANXIETY DISORDER) Sarah Kurchak joining us to break it all down in detail. IT'S A MIRACLE!

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What better way to celebrate the life and work of actor Eric Roberts than watching a film where his performance was pasted in from a different movie entirely? That’s the case with A KARATE CHRISTMAS MIRACLE, which is already pretty darn confusing, and then they add in scenes from a horror movie, and then forget to have any karate in it. OOPS! Anyway, this is real bad, but thankfully we have martial arts expert (and author of the memoir I OVERCAME MY AUTISM AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY ANXIETY DISORDER) Sarah Kurchak joining us to break it all down in detail. IT’S A MIRACLE!

Our guest on this episode if the always wonderful Sarah Kurchak. Her book I OVERCAME MY AUTISM AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY ANXIETY DISORDER: A MEMOIR can be purchased in the US on Amazon, and via the Douglas & McIntyre website right here. Follow Sarah on Twitter @FodderFIgure.

Read the glowing review of A KARATE CHRISTMAS MIRACLE from Empire State News right here.

You can watch A KARATE CHRISTMAS MIRACLE for free (with ads) on Tubi.TV.

The post Episode 102: Eric Roberts is the Man Redux – A Karate Christmas Miracle (2019) appeared first on Eric Roberts is the Man.

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