The Bible reveals our God to be so far above us in regality, purity, power, mind, strength, love, and wisdom. He is perfect—without an Achille's heel, without a gap of vulnerability, without a trace of weakness. Our God—rock- like and immovable—was moved by love to come to this earth and rescue us. And to pull off this extraordinary rescue, our God deigned it right take on the utter weakness of our humanity. He came, knowing full well the cost of such a venture. He purposely chose the route. He was misunderstood and vilely mistreated. He was mocked, slandered, and falsely accused. He was beaten, scourged, and crucified. And He walked His mission out as the Arnion—as the Lamb. It's almost too much to conceive. Almighty God became a lamb? It's both bewildering and utterly beautiful. But for His great mission to succeed, Almighty Highness needed to fully bear our earthly weakness.