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To get the fullness out of your cereal-eating experience, you need to be a man or woman of quick action. If you don’t act in the short window supplied after the milk touches the flakes, the soggy soupy saucy stuff follows. The similarities between cereal eating and following Jesus are profound, and many of us have approached our obedience to Jesus as if it doesn’t matter how long it takes us to act. But, like cereal, there is a window of time when grace for action is being supplied. Let’s learn, as the Body of Christ, to take advantage of that window and not be the Soggy Cereal Man.

To get the fullness out of your cereal-eating experience, you need to be a man or woman of quick action. If you don’t act in the short window supplied after the milk touches the flakes, the soggy soupy saucy stuff follows. The similarities between cereal eating and following Jesus are profound, and many of us have approached our obedience to Jesus as if it doesn’t matter how long it takes us to act. But, like cereal, there is a window of time when grace for action is being supplied. Let’s learn, as the Body of Christ, to take advantage of that window and not be the Soggy Cereal Man.