Urologist Landon Trost, MD, joins our show this week to discuss when patients should seek help for a curved penis.

Dr. Trost’s previous appearance on our podcast was for an episode called “Penis Length, Erections and Medical Conditions Impacting Penile Health” and you can view that here: https://erectioniq.com/penis-length-and-medical-conditions-impacting-penile-health/ 

The Male Fertility and Peyronie's Clinic was founded in July of 2019 by Dr. Landon Trost in Orem, Utah. Dr. Trost had previously served as the head of male infertility and Peyronie's Disease at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. More about his clinic: https://malefertilityandpeyroniesclinic.com/ 

The clinic specializes only in male infertility and Peyronie's Disease, which allows for a high level of specialization for these conditions.

Dr. Trost is the inventor of  RestoreX. A penile traction therapy used to treat penile curvature and length loss. Learn more about it here: https://www.restorex.com/

About This Podcast

The Erectile Dysfunction Radio Podcast is dedicated to educating and empowering all sexual health patients to address erectile dysfunction or any other sexual dysfunction or sexual health issue. It also serves to improve confidence and enhance the satisfaction in the relationships of our listeners. This podcast is hosted by certified sex therapist, Mark Goldberg, LCMFT, CST.

Learn to think differently about erections to resolve your ED struggles with our "Beyond the Little Blue Pill" eCourse: https://erectioniq.com/course 

For more free erectile dysfunction education and resources, please visit: https://erectioniq.com/    

Mark Goldberg helps men resolve erectile dysfunction. He offers individual, one-on-one services to men throughout the world through a secure, telehealth platform. It’s 100% confidential. You can visit the Center for Intimacy, Connection and Change website to schedule a free consultation: https://centericc.com/