The psychological fear of a penile fracture alone is enough to cause erection difficulties. With this in mind, we decided it was necessary to have an entire episode dedicated to this topic with urologist Dr. Justin Houman. Some of the questions we cover on today’s interview include:

How common is it to fracture your penis?
How do you “fracture” a penis if there is no bone?
What (if anything) can increase or decrease your risk?

As Dr. Houman reminds listeners in today’s podcast, a penile fracture is an emergency. Do not wait around if you suspect that you -- or your sexual partner -- has experienced a penile fracture, it should be dealt with immediately.

Dr. Houman is a urologist specializing in men’s health, including the treatment of men dealing with erectile dysfunction and penile fracture. He is based in Los Angeles California with Tower Urology.

He previously joined our podcast for episode No. 40, Covid-19’s Impact on Erectile Dysfunction with Dr. Justin Houman. You can listen to that episode here:

You can learn more about his practice:

The Erectile Dysfunction Radio Podcast is dedicated to educating and empowering men to address erectile dysfunction, improve confidence, and enhance the satisfaction in their relationships. This podcast is hosted by certified sex therapist, Mark Goldberg, LCMFT, CST.

Learn to think differently about erections to resolve your ED struggles with our "Beyond the Little Blue Pill" eCourse:       

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