Understanding the patient’s perspective on all things erectile dysfunction is a key pillar of our mission here at Erectile Dysfunction Radio. On today’s episode we speak candidly with prostate cancer survivor Reggie Dye.

Reggie shares with us his experiences and insights when it comes to sexual health and erectile dysfunction after prostate cancer.

We also discuss implications of the prostate cancer/sexual health journey on long-term relationships.

Looking for more great erectile dysfunction podcasts from the patient’s perspective?

Check out:

Ending the Stigma of Erectile Dysfunction: A Chat with Ven Virah
How a Penile Implant Helped My Sex Life: A Patient’s Story

The Erectile Dysfunction Radio Podcast is dedicated to educating and empowering men to address erectile dysfunction, improve confidence, and enhance the satisfaction in their relationships. This podcast is hosted by certified sex therapist, Mark Goldberg, LCMFT, CST.

Learn to think differently about erections to resolve your ED struggles with our "Beyond the Little Blue Pill" eCourse: https://erectioniq.com/course           

For more free erectile dysfunction education and resources, please visit: https://erectioniq.com/    

Mark Goldberg helps men resolve erectile dysfunction. He offers individual, one-on-one services to men throughout the world through a secure, telehealth platform. It’s 100% confidential. You can visit the Center for Intimacy, Connection and Change website to schedule a free consultation: https://centericc.com/