Today concludes our four-part series covering a case study that illustrates the complexity of erectile dysfunction. This case study required a multidisciplinary approach to treating the patient’s erectile dysfunction.

Today's podcast is hosted by certified sex therapist Mark Goldberg. Mark summarizes his final thoughts on the progress this patient made through seeing different healthcare providers and a therapist.  

As loyal listeners of this podcast know, erectile dysfunction is often complex as both mental and physical factors could be causing erection problems.

You can listen to part one here: 
Part two with urologist, Dr. Robert Segal, here:
Part three with cardiologist, Dr. Jeffrey Banker, here:

The Erectile Dysfunction Radio Podcast is dedicated to educating and empowering men to address erectile dysfunction, improve confidence, and enhance the satisfaction in their relationships. 

Learn to think differently about erections to resolve your ED struggles with our “Beyond the Little Blue Pill” eCourse: