To cap the week off, Danny and Alex and Chris got together live on Twitter to chat through the demise of the Zoom-Five9 deal. Those of you who remember how recently the deal was announced are likely a little surprised -- how did it fall apart so quickly? Well, a few reasons:

There could be inherent risk in all-stock transactions provided a rapidly-changing market.It may be the case that Zoom simply did not bid enough for Five9.And there's a mix of anti-trust and national regulatory issues to the deal that never got fully hammered out.

So, you can pick your poison, even though the answer appears to be some of each above point.

Those of you who caught the Friday episode will wonder, and fairly, what the end of the Zoom-Five9 deal will have on other M&A activity. We talked about it.

That's enough for now. Hit play and have a laugh with us. Thanks for sticking with the show!

Credits: Equity is produced by Theresa Loconsolo with editing by Kell. Bryce Durbin is our Illustrator. We'd also like to thank the audience development team and Henry Pickavet, who manages TechCrunch audio products.