This is a continuation of Josh's conversation with Gary Freeman on crossing the racial divide in pro-life work. In this episode they discuss the high abortion rate in the African-American community and why that is, and how we should think about the debate over Planned Parenthood being an allegedly racist organization.

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Related Links:

Alan Guttmacher Institute article that Josh referenced: "Abortion and Women of Color: The Bigger Picture"

Audio recording of Josh's "Planned Parenthood Unveiled" presentation from before ERI, including his explanation of why Planned Parenthood is not a racist organization: (Direct MP3 link)

Audio recording of a Q&A session from another recording of the "Planned Parenthood Unveiled" presentation with more discussion on the racism question: (Direct MP3 link)

Live Action's investigation on Planned Parenthood systematically covering up sexual abuse:

ERI's coverage of the Center for Medical Progress videos:

Live Action's investigation into "racially-motivated donations":

Angela Franks' book "Margaret Sanger’s Eugenic Legacy: The Control of Female Fertility": (affiliate link)

Josh Chatraw's book "Telling a Better Story: How to Talk About God in a Skeptical Age": (affiliate link)


00:00 The way pro-life people tend to talk about this statistical disparity

5:07 What is going on with the African-American abortion rate?

8:42 Is the Alan Guttmacher Institute right that the higher unintended pregnancy rate among African-Americans is part of the puzzle?

11:41 Is Walter Hoye right when he says that abortion is less stigmatized in the African-American community?

16:06 Why Gary doesn't use the word "privilege" in the way it often is used

17:03 Josh summarizes some of the reasons pro-lifers tend to call Planned Parenthood a "racist organization" and his take

22:58 Gary's response

26:40 Acknowledging examples of real racism in the abortion industry

27:45 How pro-life people could better help these people not choose abortion

29:37 Considering Live Action's racism investigation

34:15 Considering Margaret Sanger

45:19 Should pro-lifers talk about Margaret Sanger in order to get African-Americans to distrust Planned Parenthood?

48:41 Why pro-lifers should be careful how they talk about Planned Parenthood with pro-choice people

Host: Josh Brahm
Guest: Gary Freeman
Audio/Video Editor: Andrew Kaake & Josh Brahm
Publisher: Jen Westmoreland

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