Dr. C. and Joseph Darnell discuss the billionaires racing to outer space, Rob yearns to hitch a ride to the moon, they discuss the complexities of good science critical debates, and in main discussion, Rob continues the idea of terraforming planets Venus, Mars, and moons beyond.

Dr. C. and Joseph Darnell discuss the billionaires racing to outer space, Rob yearns to hitch a ride to the moon, they discuss the complexities of good science critical debates, and in main discussion, Rob continues the idea of terraforming planets Venus, Mars, and moons beyond.

Richard Branson goes to space — not!

Dear Moon Project

Crazy interactions with atheists lately with (Robert Carter gets everything wrong?)

The Great Dothan Creation/Evolution Debate (video)

Rob’s short story about Mercury: The Long Mercurial Night, and other tales


The Definitive Guide To Terraforming

How Do We Terraform Venus?

How To Terraform Venus (Quickly)

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