Dr. Rob Carter has a huge appreciation for aquatic life, and it comes as a shock to us that we haven’t heard him talk about corals! This week, we discuss everything that one will find fascinating about these simple creatures. And Rob lays out a plan to setup and grow new corals of his own.

Dr. Rob Carter has a huge appreciation for aquatic life, and it comes as a shock to us that we haven’t heard him talk about corals! This week, we discuss everything that one will find fascinating about these simple creatures. And Rob lays out a plan to setup and grow new corals of his own.

Rob with his coral aquarium of yesteryear

A close up of some of Rob’s earlier corrals

Rob’s former life as a coral aquaculturist

Water chemistry on the reef vs at home
Light, flow
Fragging corals

Can you get them to have babies in captivity?
What's the difference between corral and sponges?
Coral colors
Setting up a home corral aquarium