Whether you know it or not, the relationship between electricity and magnetism rules your world. Were it not for this discovery, almost nothing in our modern world would function. Cell phones, radios, electric power stations, even your car...they all depend on the fact that moving magnetic fields induce current in a wire and changing current creates a changing magnetic field.

Whether you know it or not, the relationship between electricity and magnetism rules your world. Were it not for this discovery, almost nothing in our modern world would function. Cell phones, radios, electric power stations, even your car...they all depend on the fact that moving magnetic fields induce current in a wire and changing current creates a changing magnetic field.

Equinox episode 1: The Greatest Theory Ever

July 1820: Oersted & Electromagnetism

Ampere’s Law

Faraday’s Law of Induction

History of the transformer

Tesla’s patent

YAGI antennae

RLC circuits

The Fundamentals of Wi-Fi Antennas