The development of nuclear weapons is one of the most amazing, and fearsome, scientific breakthroughs in human history. But before they could be made, a lot of discoveries had to happen first. The timing is also amazing. Almost as soon as these things were discovered we started blowing things up.

The development of nuclear weapons is one of the most amazing, and fearsome, scientific breakthroughs in human history. But before they could be made, a lot of discoveries had to happen first. The timing is also amazing. Almost as soon as these things were discovered we started blowing things up.

Radioactive, the story of Marie Curie on Amazon (warning: R rated)

March 1, 1896: Henri Becquerel Discovers Radioactivity

May 1932: Chadwick reports the discovery of the neutron

Albert Einstein wrote to the US pleading with the government to build an atomic bomb 80 years ago. Here's what he said.

December 1938: Discovery of Nuclear Fission

Uranium Enrichment

Science Behind the Atom Bomb

Little Boy

Fat Man

Thermonuclear (fusion) weapons

Tsar Bomba

The Oklo natural reactors in Precambrian rocks, Gabon, Africa