It took scientists a long time to figure out what was inside the atom.darne

It took scientists a long time to figure out what was inside the atom.darne

Privacy is Dead!

The new Equinox YouTube channel

Scanning tunneling microscope

Size range of atoms

Ben Franklin got the charge of the electron wrong!

The gold leaf electroscope

The ‘ground’ symbol in electronics

Dmitri Mendeleev and the periodic table

Radioactive toothpaste Yes, there really was such a thing! In fact, they were still making it throughout [WWII] (

Ernest Rutherford discovered the half-life, radon, alpha (He, 2 p and 2 n) and beta radiation (e-), first controlled splitting of an atom nucleus, and the proton (H)

alpha particle scattering by gold foil experiment by Geiger and Marsden(1911)

Cavendish Laboratory

Chadwick discovers the neutron in 1932
Right-hand rule

Ernest Lawrence

Big Science: Ernest Lawrence and the Invention that Launched the Military-Industrial Complex


Particle accelerator aka ‘atom smasher’

Standard model of the atom