What makes a good sci-fi movie? How much fiction can we mix with fact before the science part begins to fall apart? Using the movie Interstellar as a focus of attention, Joe and Rob discuss movie making, how this one genre attempts to blend storytelling with reality, and how it sometimes succeeds and sometimes does not.

What makes a good sci-fi movie? How much fiction can we mix with fact before the science part begins to fall apart? Using the movie Interstellar as a focus of attention, Joe and Rob discuss movie making, how this one genre attempts to blend storytelling with reality, and how it sometimes succeeds and sometimes does not.

Interstellar IMDb page

Interstellar Rotten Tomatoes page

Interstellar soundtrack on YouTube

The ending of Interstellar finally explained

Interstellar: ending explained

Chris Hadfield reviews space movies

Rob’s 1-page story about “plan B”

The Martian IMDB page

Stargate (movie) IMDB page

Primer IMDB page

Back to the Future IMDB page

The Time Machine IMDB page (1960) (2002)