Thank you to AZ BIZ LINK, Lindsay Moellenberndt, and Aleisha Nichter for inviting Michael to present to their members in May 2019. In episode 30 of Equal Chance To Be Unequal, you’ll listen to a recording of Michael speaking live to AZ BIZ LINK’s audience about unique ways to boost employee morale. He talks about ... Read More

Thank you to AZ BIZ LINK, Lindsay Moellenberndt, and Aleisha Nichter for inviting Michael to present to their members in May 2019. In episode 30 of Equal Chance To Be Unequal, you’ll listen to a recording of Michael speaking live to AZ BIZ LINK’s audience about unique ways to boost employee morale. He talks about the importance of truly “giving a shit” about your employees because the quality of one’s deep knit relationships is a great predictor of one’s morale. He reviewed statistics from Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report and why baby boomers are happier at work than millennials.

Michael talks through a comparison of the five generations in today’s workplace and how each falls on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The environment in which someone is raised can offer insights into what questions to ask to help that employee find more purpose at work. He then shared ideas around methods to boost morale based on Google’s research from Project Aristotle. From finding meaning in daily tasks, to sharing how they’re learning, to deploying recurrent meeting structures, to peer accountability via transparent goals, and conversational turn taking, there are low and no cost ways to improve morale from Google’s data. Michael reviews a chart from the DISC assessment and how knowing someone’s DISC style helps us tailor communication, not trigger his fear, and allow him to feel safer. He shares examples from the 12 Driving Forces assessment and how aligning what motivates your employee with the work he/she does daily boosts morale rapidly.

Michael then suggests a team meeting structure that can help boost morale through clearly defining expectations. He also suggests a 1-to-1 meeting structure that can improve morale as it allows employees to be recognized, celebrate their wins, and play a bigger a part in setting their goals. The concept of mass customization, an a la carte menu per se, is discussed to offer more choice to your employees so they select options most deeply engaging to them. Michael’s talk is brought to a close by reminding everyone that we boost morale quickly by taking the mindset that we must treat everyone as a volunteer.

Resources Michael mentions –


Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report

Jennifer Deal’s book Retiring the Generation Gap

Eric Schmidt on Tim Ferris’ podcast discussing the book Trillion Dollar Coach

Google’s Project Aristotle

Brene Brown’s Netflix special

PEAK Values cards

Michael’s coaching process on podcast

TTI Success Insights – Talent Insights® report

William Bridges’ book Managing Transitions

5 Love Languages quiz

1-to-1 meeting structure blog

Robert Cialdini’s book Influence

Dave Asprey’s podcast Bulletproof Radio

Round Table Companies’ Vulnerability is Sexy card game

You Earned It app

Dr. Joe Dispenza