It took more than money to land us on the moon.

Innovation consumes resources in the form of money, time, materials, and energy. How you think about the resources you have available to you right now can affect your progress towards your research vision. 

00:32     Introduction

Things don’t always go according to plan in research. Nick and Damien from Experimental Designs Consulting use an example of a recent unexpected change of direction to introduce the concept of the abundance mindset. 

EDC website

02:14    Break some eggs and make that omelet! 

A scarcity mindset, in which you prioritize protecting what you already have, is a deeply rooted human instinct, but it can create self-doubt and hold you back from accomplishing your goals. Nick and Damien discuss how adopting an abundance mindset can help you reframe short-term resource use as an investment that will yield returns in the future.

15:46     An abundance of self-awareness

Your emotions can act as a compass, pointing you in the right direction. For example, if you’re procrastinating on something it might be a sign that you’re not feeling a connection between your short-term tasks and your long-term goals. In this segment, your hosts talk about how to recognize and correct the first few steps of any unwanted diversions down the scarcity mindset path.

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