A stunning new whistleblower complaint reveals that the CIA—through one of its most senior officials—falsely reshaped the debate on the origin of COVID-19 to point away from a Chinese lab, and toward a natural origin.   The whistleblower—who recently came forward to provide this information to members of Congress—claims that the Chief Operating Officer of the CIA provided financial inducements to six CIA analysts to change their minds on the origin question.   Originally, the six analysts had concluded that COVID came from a lab. The analysts later amended their conclusion to say that the origin could not be determined.   Why did this happen? Why is it so important for the CIA—and for the wider intelligence community—to cover up the truth about COVID? We investigate.   ⭕️ Watch in-depth videos based on Truth & Tradition at Epoch TV 👉 https://www.epochtv.com/
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A stunning new whistleblower complaint reveals that the CIA—through one of its most senior officials—falsely reshaped the debate on the origin of COVID-19 to point away from a Chinese lab, and toward a natural origin.   The whistleblower—who recently came forward to provide this information to members of Congress—claims that the Chief Operating Officer of the CIA provided financial inducements to six CIA analysts to change their minds on the origin question.   Originally, the six analysts had concluded that COVID came from a lab. The analysts later amended their conclusion to say that the origin could not be determined.   Why did this happen? Why is it so important for the CIA—and for the wider intelligence community—to cover up the truth about COVID? We investigate.   ⭕️ Watch in-depth videos based on Truth & Tradition at Epoch TV 👉 https://www.epochtv.com/ 💛 Support us to fight for the truth!  👉 https://donorbox.org/epochtv