Which oils and fats can we eat to avoid toxicity and to improve our health rather than harm it?   Biochemical researcher Dayan Goodenowe says the answer begins with knowing why the human body needs oil and fat in the first place and how it uses them.   “When you eat a high Omega-6 fat meal, your body doesn't really digest that fat, it basically just reorganizes it, and sends it directly to your fat cells for later.”   Dr. Goodenowe is currently conducting clinical trials into the use of an oil-derived substance—plasmalogen—for treating neurodegenerative disease. VitalSigns documented the breakthrough results of this in treating a rare genetic disorder in children in the video: Alzheimer’s: Key to Cure.   This time, he joins host Brendon Fallon to explain the health consequences of the switch from cooking with animal fats to vegetable and seed oils and the inherent differences in these substances that make them fit or unfit for consumption.   How much of the wrong type of fatty acid could be hidden in your supposedly “grain-fed” steak?   How is the current widespread use of seed oils tied to the petroleum industry?   Dr. Goodenowe lends his biochemical expertise to the kitchen to highlight which oils and fats we should be using to foster health and longevity.   ⭕️ Watch in-depth videos based on Truth & Tradition at Epoch TV 👉 https://www.epochtv.com/
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Which oils and fats can we eat to avoid toxicity and to improve our health rather than harm it?   Biochemical researcher Dayan Goodenowe says the answer begins with knowing why the human body needs oil and fat in the first place and how it uses them.   “When you eat a high Omega-6 fat meal, your body doesn't really digest that fat, it basically just reorganizes it, and sends it directly to your fat cells for later.”   Dr. Goodenowe is currently conducting clinical trials into the use of an oil-derived substance—plasmalogen—for treating neurodegenerative disease. VitalSigns documented the breakthrough results of this in treating a rare genetic disorder in children in the video: Alzheimer’s: Key to Cure.   This time, he joins host Brendon Fallon to explain the health consequences of the switch from cooking with animal fats to vegetable and seed oils and the inherent differences in these substances that make them fit or unfit for consumption.   How much of the wrong type of fatty acid could be hidden in your supposedly “grain-fed” steak?   How is the current widespread use of seed oils tied to the petroleum industry?   Dr. Goodenowe lends his biochemical expertise to the kitchen to highlight which oils and fats we should be using to foster health and longevity.   ⭕️ Watch in-depth videos based on Truth & Tradition at Epoch TV 👉 https://www.epochtv.com/ 💛 Support us to fight for the truth!  👉 https://donorbox.org/epochtv