Why doesn’t “eating less and exercising more” always bring weight loss? How can targeting environmental hormones and toxins aid weight loss?

“As much as I tried to coach ... patients with that kind of formula [of eat less and exercise more], I realized that there must be more to it,” says Dr. Krishna Doniparthi, highlighting a widely held misconception of obesity.

Today, he joins Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon to reveal the hidden biochemical, namely hormonal, factors that influence weight loss and gain, and how they can be treated.

“She changed her diet to something that was low carb; good, clean food; organic; non-GMO, but still wasn’t able to lose weight,” says Dr. Doniparthi, describing a patient with a persistent obesity problem.

“By cleaning up her gut system and her liver, she began to start to lose weight,” he adds.

While treatment varies according to individual circumstances, in this case, an array of nutrients, including TUDCA and butyrate, were used to cleanse the patient of environmental toxins, including exogenic (or environmental) hormones.

Dr. Doniparthi describes a hierarchy of endogenic (body-made) hormones, including cortisol, insulin, and estrogen, which influence weight loss and gain.

Which hormone is at the top of this hierarchy and how can we naturally increase our levels?

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