A powerful buzzword reappears: "dictator." The German foreign minister's remark follows a similar comment from U.S. President Joe Biden in June—both of them using the term to describe Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping.   Leadership for life, a one-party system, and mass censorship? Is the dictator description accurate?   ⭕️ Watch in-depth videos based on Truth & Tradition at Epoch TV 👉 https://www.epochtv.com/
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A powerful buzzword reappears: "dictator." The German foreign minister's remark follows a similar comment from U.S. President Joe Biden in June—both of them using the term to describe Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping.   Leadership for life, a one-party system, and mass censorship? Is the dictator description accurate?   ⭕️ Watch in-depth videos based on Truth & Tradition at Epoch TV 👉 https://www.epochtv.com/ 💛 Support us to fight for the truth!  👉 https://donorbox.org/epochtv