Jeffrey Sachs, the leader of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19, now admits that the COVID-19 pandemic started in a lab. Even more startlingly, he now also admits that the virus was made with U.S. biotechnology.

Sachs made his comments last week at a conference in Spain where he had been invited by former Spanish Prime Minister José Luís Zapatero.

Sachs’s astonishing revelations were upstaged by World Health Organization Director Tedros Adanom Ghabrieysus when he reportedly confessed to a senior European politician that the virus most likely came out of a Wuhan lab.

The admissions from two of the most prominent COVID authorities in the world, who also happen to be establishment stalwarts with a record of appeasing the Chinese Communist Party, are a huge game-changer.

Welcome to Truth over News with Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke.

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