Holy Heavy Batman! Couple treats in this episode... we start off with a conversation with the one, the only Joe Nunez, who is the former drummer of Soulfly, back with a brand new project called Return Fire... and he even brings along his friend Marc Rizzo to do guest solos alllll over the album. We are the first interview he has done in years so there was a lot to talk about! We talk about his beginning, middle, and end with Soulfly, what he did after Soulfly and now of course his new band Return Fire!

In the news we talk Tool (of course), COC drama, Metallica v. Cougar. We throw in a bonus snippet of End of Days from Act of Violence (https://www.facebook.com/actofviolence) off of their brand new album Unrest. Album is streaming now and if you live in the Columbus Ohio area we will be opening for them at their album release party August 17th. In reviews we talk about the new Slipknot and Russian Circles.

Huge thanks to Joe for letting us use Product of Abuse off of Return Fire's self titled about due out September 27th 2019.


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