Jacob, guitar player and vocalist, from All Hell joins us on the show today. We talk about where they got their name, their unique sound, and the dark things that influences his lyrics. We want to thank him and the rest of the band (as well as Prosthetic Records) for letting us use their song Sorcery and Sanctity off of their brand new album The Witch's Grail, out now! (A man with a leafblower may or may not have been injured during the making of this episode)


In the news Rammstein's vocalist is a bad ass, why you should wear steal toes to an Everytime I Die show, and Chris Adler's questionable return to Lamb of God. We review the new album from Pelican, Midnight and Mescaline! (Spoiler alert.... Clint likes it) Be on the look out for another Inkcarceration ticket giveaway, coming this week!

Inkcarceration - https://www.inkcarceration.com/

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