Lots of good stuff crammed into 51 minutes of madness! Most notably our conversation with T.J. from Inter Arma. We get to all the hard hitting topics like the new album, his country band, how much he hates being classified as doom, and whether he likes sausage links or patties. Huge thanks to him for his time and to the rest of the band (and Relapse Records) for letting us use the brutal song Citadel off of their latest LP Sulphur English, out now. https://interarma.bandcamp.com

Field Clint catches up with Frayle at a show, Sepultura and PRO-PAIN are in the news, Bryan gets a new guitar, and we go over our Top 3 shows we have attended. In reviews we have Helms Alee's fresh release Noctiluca! Check out the album and if you haven't already go check out Episode 45 where we talk to Ben (guitar).

Eargasm: use our link to support the show http://bit.ly/2tSzIFg   

Sonic Temple Music and Art Festival:

Tickets: https://fgtix.to/2CRVkpq 

Website: https://sonictemplefestival.com/

Our links:

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eostupidity/ 

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0iHtaHBc3RSy1F9CcTFcVR?si=2ogjaZ_wRY2tRuR7_b-gkQ 

Stitcher  https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/epitome-of-stupidity

Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/epitome-of-stupidity/id1378020561 

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