On this episode we talk to Mike, the guitarist for Low Dose! We go over the bands writing process, lyrical content, how he started playing guitar, and even hit him with a rapid fire segment. Thanks to him for his time and to the rest of the band for allowing us to use their song Right On in this episode off of their self titled debut album which drops March 29th. Find them below!


In the news Gwar loses a member to further his bus driving career, people still don't want to be in Machine Head, and an angry mother gives Bill Kelliher (Mastodon) a piece of her mind. We review the new Mark Morton solo album Anesthetic and wash it all down with a game of Would You Rather.

Sonic Temple Music and Art Festival:

Tickets: https://fgtix.to/2CRVkpq 

Website: https://sonictemplefestival.com/

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