Holy shit what a show! As the title infers, we talk to Kyle MF'n Shutt of The Sword, Doom Side of the Moon, and now as a solo artist. We talk about all of the above in hilarious detail as well as some fantastic road stories (spoiler alert, while on the Metallica tour). Solo album to be released May 6th! Unreleased audio as intro (Big City) and outro (I can't Dance) in this episode. Huge thanks to him for taking his time to talk to us and hooking us up with some new tunes. Links to find him below. We wrap the show up with a quick review of Metallica's new album Helping Hands... Live & Acoustic at The Masonic.





Shout out to our new sponsor Sonic Temple Festival, more exciting news about that coming soon....

Sonic Temple Music and Art Festival:

Tickets: https://fgtix.to/2CRVkpq 

Website: https://sonictemplefestival.com/

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