Join Epic storytellers and creative teachers as they discuss how to draw out curriculum links from this week's Epic Storytime podcast with easy, fun, and engaging activities.

This week, Epic storytellers Chip and Amy (also an Epic mum!) are joined by Helen, a teacher from Milton Keynes specialising in children aged 4 to 7, and Laura, an international teacher specialising in children aged 7 to 11. Together they discuss the curriculum links within our adaptation of the famous "Sir Fulladred and the Dragon's Heart". Discover how to help your children conquer expanded noun phrases, fractions, researching... and much more!

00:48 | Introductions

02:02 | "Sir Fulladred and the Dragon's Heart" excerpt

03:53 | Amy's story: The Power of Storytelling for Children's Learning

07:17 | PSHCE and morals: the power of other people's perceptions; the power of kindness (all ages)

15:23 | Curriculum links for ages 4 to 7
• DT, Literacy, History, PSHCE – making coats of arms, using symbolism (15:23); adjectives (17:16); expanded noun phrases (52:32)
• DT – making "hobby horses" (19:12)
• Core Skills, Art – researching, imagining, drawing, comparing (20:19)
• Science, Literacy – understanding habitats, classification, etc, and describing with fact files, adjectives and poetry (21:47)
• Literacy – sensory learning, discovering vocab through experience (22:59)
• Numeracy – counting (25:56); estimating (27:29)
• Literacy, Numeracy, History, Core Skills, Science, DT – planning a party, research, writing invitations, different diets, baking (27:50)
• Numeracy – 2D shapes (28:33); fractions (29:07); tangrams (29:38)
• Geography – China (29:38)

30:28 | Curriculum links for ages 7 to 11
• Numeracy, Geography, Computing – maps, distances, conversion, directions, and algorithms (30:28); scaling (32:32); co-ordinates (45:01)
• Numeracy, Core Skills – investigative skills, patterns, weight (33:21); Numeracy "quick fixes" and exam skills (36:22); Venn and Carroll diagrams (41:48)
• Physics (and/or tree climbing safety!) – forces and levers (35:08)
• Literacy – sensory learning, discovering vocab through experience (45:50); enhancing/editing stories, synonyms, expanded noun phrases (51:00); Literary "quick fixes" (52:59)
• PSHCE – self-esteem (54:06)
• History – researching castles (55:29)
• Science – the heart (55:55)

56:42 | All Age curriculum links
• Science, Literacy, History – understanding habitats, classification, etc, and describing with fact files, adjectives and poetry (56:42)
• DT and PE – hobby horse jousting (57:36)
• Literacy, Numeracy, History, Core Skills, Science, DT, and PE – planning a party, research, writing invitations, different diets, baking (58:36); designing a knight skills boot camp (59:08)
• DT, Literacy, History, PSHCE – making coats of arms, using symbolism (58:51)

We'd love to hear how you get on with these ideas! Please leave us a review with your favourite podcast app, find us on social media @EpicTalesST, or email [email protected]

Have a learning outcome you'd like us to cover in a future episode? Email [email protected]

Stained glass illustration: Dave Hingley.

This recording copyright © Epic Tales 2021. Story copyright © Chip Colquhoun 2021. Illustration copyright © Dave Hingley 2021.

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