Do you ever feel like the ONLY way to achieve success is by hustling?

You’re all too familiar with that nagging struggle to think about something other than work while trying to enjoy your weekend…

I get it.

I’ve been there.

And I’m here to tell you there’s a better way!

The illusion of hustle culture and the plague of overworking among entrepreneurs and CEOs is literally running businesses into the ground. 

Hustling and overworking is actually pushing you farther away from the success you want, not closer to it.

If you’re tired, burnt out and overworked on your journey to success - this episode is for YOU!

This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk with my friend Michael Hyatt, Author and Leadership Development Expert, about his newest book that he co-wrote with his daughter, Megan Hyatt Miller, titled Win at Work and Succeed at Life.

We talked about the detrimental impact that overworking can have on our lives and business - and how we can overcome and find freedom from the culture of overworking and hustling. 

Michael has spent a significant amount of time studying “the impossible choice” between winning at work OR succeeding at life. It’s been said that you can’t have both - but Michael has unlocked the power of the two working together harmoniously, and it’s a GAME CHANGER. 

You guys - this episode has so much goodness in it that I want to go back and listen to it over and over again. These truths shared by Michael are not just beneficial, they are life-changing! Have a pen and paper? Grab one and let’s dive in!!

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:


“Work is enormously seductive.”


Work-a-holism is not a metaphor - it’s a real thing, and it generally starts rather innocently with the fact that work is fun as an entrepreneur when you’re doing what you love. Work is very much a hobby for many who are working right within their niche. Not only that, but when we see results for our efforts at work - we become even more seduced by those results-based outcomes, which is not always something we experience or see the direct impact of at home. [9:51]


“Work is only one way to orient your life.”


Life is a long-distance marathon, and if you want to go the distance and have comprehensive success, you have to understand that life is multi-dimensional. Work is important, but it’s only one way to orient your life and success at work should not be at the expense of the other dimensions of your life. It’s so important to remember that balance does not mean you give equal weight and time to each dimension of your life - it means you give the appropriate amount of weight and time. Balance requires constant adjustment, and it will look different in different seasons. [15:16]


“The power of non-achievement.”


Do you base the value of your life on your achievements? This is one of the trademark work-a-holic mindsets - but there are so many value-adding aspects of life that can’t be measured, and that occur outside of workplace success. I think some of the best things in life can’t be measured. In these places of non-achievement, sometimes, is where we have our greatest ideas. What is it, outside of work, that excites you? Whatever it is, set aside intentional time outside of work to do that thing, and watch how it impacts your work life. [31:08]


“Sleep is the foundation of productivity.”


Sleep deprivation can be extremely detrimental to your overall health, and negatively impacts your workplace performance. Getting a good night’s sleep is not the end of your day - it’s actually the beginning of your day, and it’s the foundation that determines whether or not you’ll win the day. [42:08]

You’re a human-being, not a human-doing.

You weren’t created to do it all.

But…you also don’t have to choose to either be successful at work or have a healthy personal life. 

To succeed at home and in your relationships, you don’t have to compromise your ambition - and to be successful at work, you don’t have to sacrifice the health of your relationships and home life. 

You can win at work AND succeed at life - without being plagued by overwork. 

I hope you’re as fired up as I am by this episode, and the amazing truths that Michael shared - and I truly can’t wait to hear about the transformation and freedom from overwork that’s to come in your life and business!

My friend Michael Hyatt, Author and Leadership Development Expert, went on a quest to debunk the myth that says you can’t win at work AND succeed at life.

Michael, and his daughter, Megan Hyatt Miller, have written an incredible book that teaches you exactly how this can become reality in your life.

It’s called Win at Work and Succeed at Life.

And, guess what?

I’m throwing in a special bonus for those of you who pre-order! When you pre-order the book, share your receipt with me by tagging me on Instagram or on Facebook - and you’ll be entered to win a spot in one of my signature brain-based goal-setting programs!

Not only that, but Michael and his team are throwing in some bonuses as well! Pretty amazing, right? When you pre-order your book, you’ll get access to some amazing bonuses from Michael and his team, including the double win cheat sheet - a framable infographic containing all five principles highlighted in the book. 

Button -> Click here to pre-order your copy today! 

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “Motivational and Inspiring”:

“This podcast is so motivational and inspiring. As a Christian woman just starting out as an entrepreneur, I have found so much motivation and inspiration from the Epic Success podcast. I really appreciate Shannon’s christian foundation, even though Christianity isn't the focus. I really enjoyed the recent episode about building a tribe. It’s so important for women to support women. Thank you for listening to God’s calling and publishing this podcast!”


I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.