Do you have a product that you sell online and wonder how you really take your product business to become a brand in a way that doesn’t make you a one-product wonder but allows you to be a business? Do you already have a digital product and would like to add an additional layer of income through adding products to the mix?

My guest today on the Epic Success Podcast is Scott Voelker! He is the host of his incredible podcast The Amazing Seller. While Scott is amazing, *The Amazing Seller* is actually YOU. He helps people start, build and scale their online business with digital and physical products. In other words, he helps entrepreneurs take action.

If you’re curious about what it takes to start selling products online, and perhaps even more importantly, how to pivot in business gracefully, you’ll want to listen up! Scott is sure to inspire and inform you.

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

“Pivots happen because you grow, learn, and change...and then it’s the next season.”

As entrepreneurs, we often think we can’t pivot because we’re tied to “consistency” at the expense of expansion and growth. Scott shares his incredible journey of pivots from construction to photography to e-commerce to helping entrepreneurs start and scale online businesses. [7:45]

“You only need a small portion of the market to know, like, and trust you.”

In any space, there will always be someone doing something differently. You do not need to strive to be like them, be a version of YOU. Be you, be authentic, share your vulnerabilities, and you will attract the people who know, like, trust, and buy from you. [21:26]

“Take the action and put something out there because something out there is better than nothing out there.”

Put yourself out there and don’t overthink it. Take the messy action then start cleaning things up that work as you stay consistent. Hear what messy action Scott took that led to 16,000 views on YouTube. [27:30]

Scott’s final thought was spot on! Whatever you do, just know that the opportunities are endless out there. It’s just a matter of focusing on what you want to do and going out to do it!

If you’re looking to build your audience, get the attention in your market, and then drive traffic to that channel, catch one of Scott’s upcoming Ecom Business Formula workshops or listen to Scott’s podcast, The Amazing Seller.

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