This 4-letter F word will change your life. 

Of course the F word I am talking about is FEAR. 

Ever felt it? Yeah, me too. I still feel it every day.

My guess is that if you’re an entrepreneur, you have experienced fear.

Whether you’re afraid of going live on your Instagram...

Or leaving your corporate job to pursue your calling...

Or launching your first course to the world.

As an entrepreneur, fear is something we have to welcome and learn to use to our advantage.

In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about fear in the brain and how to eliminate it. 

Fear is a normal part of life, and it’s a sign that your brain is working exactly how it’s supposed to. But fear doesn’t have to keep you from living the life you’ve always dreamed of having. 

You can learn to recognize fear and actually eliminate it… using fear to your advantage to live the life you’ve always wanted. For your brain - FEAR is Find (False) Evidence Appearing Real and Fire neurochemicals to keep you SAFE at all cost!

If you’re ready to eliminate fear in your brain, then turn up the volume and! This is for you!

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:


Your brain 🧠 will feel fear and find evidence to keep you safe.


Your brain is wired to keep you safe and in a familiar state. If there is a thought or a situation that does not align with what has been automated in your brain as safe and familiar, then your brain will feel threatened, creating fear to motivate you to go back to safety and familiarity. Even if you are safe, your brain can’t tell that you’re not in actual danger. It just knows that something is different.  [3:00]


Your job is to show your brain that your Epic Audacious Goal is safe!


You have the power to automate the thoughts and beliefs that you actually want to think and believe. The first step to being the creator of your thoughts is to be aware of the thoughts and beliefs you’re currently operating out of. And once you do that, you’ll be able to start showing your brain that your big dreams are a safe place to be, and your brain will work to your advantage as a result. [4:40] 


Self-preservation will keep you in fear. 


“What will they think?” “Will I be judged?” “What if I fail?” These are all thoughts that have been automated in our brains at one time or another. These thoughts are fear-based and they will continue to hold you back until you recognize these thought patterns and do the brain work around the fear-filled thoughts. [5:30]

I’ve seen fear knock a lot of entrepreneurs off their game.. But on the flip side, I have also seen it EMPOWER entrepreneurs to reach new levels.

The choice is yours.

Our brain's natural response to fear is “NO THANKS,” but that’s only because our beautiful brain is programmed to keep us safe and it wants to protect us.

Your dreams can’t thrive in a space of safety. Big dreams require big bravery.

Time to schedule Bravery to train FEAR to work for you! 

Want to learn how to generate revenue in your business in the next TWO WEEKS, while supporting an amazing cause?

If you’re thinking, ABSOLUTELY - you need to join the incredible free 1-day charity event: 8 Strategies from 8 Top Business Leaders to Create Meaningful Income in Your Business in 2 Weeks!

You can save your seat here:

You’ll get the opportunity to hear from some of the best minds in business - all sharing their strategies for success to create meaningful income in your business in TWO SHORT WEEKS, AND you’ll also have the opportunity to support and give back to an amazing cause in the process. 

I’ll see you there!

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “Thank you for this podcast!”:

“As a voice and singing coach, I came to realize long ago that much of the work I needed to help my students do had to do with their mind, not just their singing voices. Finding Dr. Shannon’s podcast has been an amazing blessing to me and I’ve been eating it up for several weeks now. I love hearing the scientific backing and now having even better information to help my clients past the fears and shame that surrounded their singing voices! It has been a game changer for me too as I continue to grow and understand myself. I am amazed at the difference in my thoughts and vision for my business after just a few weeks of brain priming! I am excited to keep learning! Thank you for sharing your message with us!”


I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.