Alright coaches, I’m talking right to you today!

I know you want to be the coach that actually creates transformation for your clients - and I want to help you get there.

Here’s the deal: There are so many well-meaning coaches out there, who are coaching with strategies that only lead to temporary shifts in thinking or behavior. 

We don’t want to just make our clients feel good in the moment - we want to set them up for massive success and growth in the long run, right?!

The key is knowing the difference between source-based coaching and symptom-based coaching. 

Symptom-based coaching will address specific things that a client may be feeling in the moment, but it doesn’t address long-term solutions.

Source-based coaching is a brain-based methodology, not based on will power but on neuroscience, to rewire the brain towards success. 

As coaches, we really have to get to the source, not just the symptom.

This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about symptom-based coaching versus source-based coaching and the importance of this distinction for coaches and their clients. As coaches who desire to deeply serve their clients, it’s crucial to learn how to address things at the source, in order to produce real and lasting transformation for our clients. Sound good? Let’s dive in!

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:


“You, your client, everyone has automations running in their brain.”


Every single person has neural automations. What we find in adulthood, is that the automations that were created when we were younger to keep us safe and familiar, end up keeping us stuck from stepping into anything that feels unfamiliar or unsafe in our brain as an adult. Listen in to learn more about how our brain automations, which were formed through the environments in which we grew up, can affect how we view money, success, failure, etc. [3:09]


“We really gotta get to get to the source, and the source is the brain.”


The brain is incredible, and we have the power to rewire it - pretty amazing, right? The goal of source-based coaching is to neutralize and erase those automations that no longer serve you and cultivate those that do. This is where true-transformation happens for your clients - the “big shift” transformations that have a ripple-effect in every aspect of their lives. That’s what we should be aiming for as coaches. [6:07]

We’re not in the business of temporary behavior modification - we’re here to bring transformation and breakthrough for our clients!

When we’re utilizing source-based coaching, we can focus on serving our clients deeply, because we know this coaching strategy is a game changer!

And I want every coach to be coaching with that level of confidence. 

Stay-tuned for next week’s episode, because I’ll be diving into source-based coaching on a step-by-step level, to give you a better look at how simple it is and how to implement it with your clients.

Now more than ever, coaching is a vital business that’s growing faster than ever before, and your voice and expertise is needed in the market. Join my next live info session on Monday, March 15th @10am PST to learn more about the only coaching program that teaches you a predictable way to:

✔️ Enroll at least 10 new coaching clients every single month

✔️ Confidently coach your DREAM clients through ANY problem, situation, or goal with the brain-based NeuroCoaching Model™

✔️ Profitably launch (or scale) your coaching business from scratch!

If you're a coach, I know you're ready to become the go-to leader in your niche. You want people to think of YOU when they make the decision to hire a coach. You also want lasting transformation for your clients and to create raving fans that make it easy to sell out your group coaching programs.

If you are not a coach yet, then I know you want to learn how to become a coach the right way so that you don't leave your clients with lackluster results. You'll need to learn the transformational, brain-based, neuroscience-backed NeuroCoaching model™, so that YOUR CLIENTS get the results they want, and YOU build a profitable coaching business.

If you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level… or start your coaching business the right way, click here to register for the FREE live info session on Monday, March 15th @10am PST!

The NeuroCoaching CertificationTM is unrivaled in the coaching industry and is THE ONLY certification you need to create lasting transformation for your clients and a sold out coaching business.

Don’t want to wait?! You can watch the replay from the last live info session here and apply for the program!

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “Love Love LOVE!!!!!”:

“Thank you Shannon, for beginning Lori Harder on to share about A Tribe Called Bliss! Love you ladies and the helpful and inspiring message you put out there for those of us who love supporting other women and fostering amazingly healthy relationships!!! Ty ty ty!!! I’m in your tribe….both of your tribes!!!”


I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.