Options. For us Entrepreneurs, this word fits right alongside “freedom”, “autonomy” and, sometimes, “overwhelm”. But guess what? “Options” also equals more money in the bank and it’s about to become the newest addition to your financial vocabulary!

As requested by you, today’s guest is a financial expert who can help you master your money and find new strategies to tackle your business money goals! On this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, Jason Brown talks money mindset and investments, all from the Entrepreneur’s perspective. As founder of The Brown Report and Power Trades University, Jason empowers fellow Entrepreneurs to take control of their finances and unlock the potential of the stock market!

Got your notebook and pen ready? It’s time to conquer any fears holding you back from investing and start making your money work for you!

The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are:

-      “Investing puts you in a position of power as an Entrepreneur”

Investments give you the freedom to take on only your dream clients and serve them deeply. Start by breaking down your money stories and building your investment mindset. Learn about the different investing routes and practice them in a virtual trading portfolio. Determine your risk tolerance and the “whys” behind your money goals. Reclaim the power over your money and stop letting your fear run your bank account! [22:00]

-      “Have a game plan for every scenario”

Most of you have heard of ‘buy low, sell high’. But do you know that there is a way to make money even when the stocks go down?? Call and Put options increase your chances of making money from 33% to 99%, no matter what happens in the market! Even with a short window of time, options can help you get back on track as you grow your savings. [34:24]

-      “Money can work harder for me than I can work for it”

Your money doesn’t need vacations or sick days. Investing means your hard-earned cash is working day and night, as you work in your zone of genius on another project or spend some downtime with your loved ones. Money is a tool to buy time back so that you can build your true wealth trifecta of time, money and health. [48:56]

Money, or lack of it, can bring up all kinds of limiting beliefs. Whether you do it yourself or with the support of a professional, investing opens up a world of possibilities as you optimize the full potential of your money. There is risk in everything you do in your life, but the key is to mitigate that risk rather than letting fear stop you in your tracks. Take your thoughts off autopilot and choose curiosity over fear as you build your Epic Life and Business!

Power Trades University is your all-access pass to growing your confidence and wealth with weekly live-trades and support from Jason and the rest of the trading community. Connect with the Brown Report for free trainings and revolutionize your financial future today!


You DO NOT want to miss my upcoming LIVE training

3 Proven Brain Hacks to Scale Your Business to 7-Figures and Permanently Remove Self Sabotage

Click here to get on the waitlist

I will be teaching you how to train your thinking to hardwire your results in your business.

I will show you how it isn’t another funnel or social media or method you need to master – but you need to master the brain, the way you think, process, and focus, in order to program successful results every time.

This IS the missing link and why all the programs and funnels haven’t gotten you to where you want to be yet.

Continuing to think the way you are now and it will keep you stuck – you need to get this right so you can truly access the success you are wanting.


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