Whether you’re trying to climb the corporate ladder, create freedom in your life, or you just know that you were meant for more…

As high achievers, as visionaries, we’re always striving for more, more, more. 

And that mentality comes from the thinking that there is just not enough. 

There’s not enough time, there’s not enough money… 

But (great news!) that is just not the case.

Your brain is filtering your surroundings from a scarcity mindset. This causes us to believe that there isn’t enough success for everyone out there and you have to hustle to achieve. 

The word abundance pretty well encapsulates what we are all trying to create. 

When we can shift our minds from lack to abundance, we are actually able to create more time and create more money, and see our lives and businesses through the lens of abundance. 

In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I chat with a member of my tribe, Alex Lianne Carter, who has transformed her life and business through the Epic Success Program and continued on to the NeuroCoaching Certification™. Alex has an amazing story of going from a limited thinking process and lacking, to a true unleashing of her potential and abundance.  

Abundance is deciding what success looks like for you in advance... Listen in to learn more.

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:


“I am creating this life for us, and it’s okay to give myself permission to be here.” 


We have been so indoctrinated to believe that we need external validation and permission from others that we often forget who is *really* in charge of creating the life we want. You do not need to wait for others to tell you that it is okay to take the next step or enjoy this moment… Ensure you have alignment with what you want to create and what you want to experience, not what you were programmed to do.  [10:15]


“Abundance is deciding what success looks like for you in advance. ”


We often fall into the trap of pushing precious moments to the side in order to reach a certain level of what others would consider success. But time is fleeting and we need to reprioritize what success actually means to us. The moments with your family that you no longer have to sacrifice are equally as powerful as a $100,000 launch.  [11:45]


“You can wake up every single day and know that anything is possible for you”


You are the creator of your life and your reality. You are worthy of reaching your limitless potential. You get to step fully into your potential by looking toward that future version of yourself, experiencing what it is to become that person, and having the limitless life that you’re after. [26:10]

We have one life to live and we get to choose to live it to the fullest. 

There’s a limitless potential just waiting to be unlocked.

You can tap into your full potential, create success from the inside out, and live a life of your design.

For your life.

For your family.

For your business. 

I firmly believe that our Creator put us here on this planet to live up to that potential. 

Which is why I’ve created a proven system to unlock your full potential, maximize your time, and make the greatest impact (without wasting time second-guessing or just trying harder with nothing to show for it). 

Join me LIVE starting on October 14th for a free, LIVE transformational series where you'll define exactly what YOUR success looks like, tap into your true potential, and get the exact blueprint to finally step into your inevitable success.

Ditch the scarcity mindset and step into the abundance you were created for where success feels easy, light, fun, and fulfilling because you are not just checking off goals, you are exceeding goals and moving from one success to another.

Button >> Register For the FREE Event Here!

Register for Your Limitless Life: the Blueprint to Your True Potential 

I'll show you exactly how to break through to your Limitless Life - I'm talking no limits on your income, your impact, and your dream life for yourself and your family.

Save your seat for the event of the year, where I'll show you exactly how to break through to your Limitless Life - I'm talking no limits on your income, your impact, and your dream life for yourself and your family.

I’m going to be there live, walking you through the entire success system, to help you raise your own bar and identify YOUR 1% factor so you can start to create your success plan in a way that you define your limitless life faster than you ever thought possible. 

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “Awesome show, highly recommend!”:

“Dr. Shannon and her guests provide some incredibly actionable and compelling content on how to live your life with more intention and meaning. Highly recommend listening and subscribing to Epic Success if you want the knowledge AND mindsets to become the very best version of yourself (and reach your overall goals as a result)!”


I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.