Don’t go one more minute in your business without tuning into what Pat Flynn learned was the #1 income generator in his businesses.

After more than 14 years as a highly successful entrepreneur, Pat Flynn discovered a vital piece of his business he hadn’t even known was missing – community. 

When you give people a place where they can connect and feel supported while being authentically themselves, it’s powerful. Going beyond just audience-building and stepping into community-building can be the game-changer for your business!

In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I’m talking with Pat Flynn, serial entrepreneur, best-selling author, and creator of the Smart Passive Income podcast and founder and CEO of SPI. Pat is passionate about helping entrepreneurs build successful businesses through creating thriving online communities.

This interview is part of the Modern Money-Making Methods Summit series, where I’m talking with the experts about what’s working today when it comes to getting consistent clients online so you can get a seat at the table, showcase your generosity, and pivot your business to succeed!

Old methods of selling have STOPPED working. If you don't shift your business soon, you might get left in the dust. If you’re struggling to pivot your business in the new economy we’re facing, you’ll love hearing from industry leaders who reveal what's working NOW.                  


The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

What became the biggest revenue generator in Pat Flynn’s business in 2021. New programs? More launches? Listen in to learn how the pandemic forced Pat to get creative and caused him to stumble into an income-generating discovery that changed everything.  The difference between audience and community. People come to audiences and communities for different reasons. Pat breaks down what those differences are and how you can use one to feed the other and vice versa.

The easiest way to monetize your community and KEEP people there. People engage with people, not content. Listen in as Pat explains how to leverage the power of community to create memberships that people willingly pay for month after month.

Connect with Pat Flynn on Instagram

To your success,

Dr. Shannon Irvine

P.S. - Have you had a chance to grab my two newest resources yet? 

I’ve been pulling out all the stops lately, creating the exact tools and sharing the exact strategies you need to uplevel your coaching business.

First up is “7 Quick Ways to Monetize Your Coaching Business This Month”. This downloadable guide holds my best tips for attracting potential clients, closing the deal, and expanding your business's income beyond just 1:1 coaching. Grab it HERE.

Next up is “3 Mistakes Coaches Make that Repel Sales”. When you’re struggling with sales, it’s easy to start wondering, “Was it something I said?” 

This step-by-step guide outlines the top 3 reasons your ideal clients aren’t buying … and what to do instead to boost sales and grow! Grab it HERE.

Both these resources are 100% free and available to you right now. Just click the links above to download them now.