How often as entrepreneurs do we feel overwhelmed, and spread too thin? 

Our to-do list feels miles long. 

We jump from one task to another because they’re all important and all require our attention. 

And we can never get everything done that we want to in the day. 

We have a hard time focusing on just one thing.

But instead of crossing tasks off our lists, this leaves us with multiple half-finished tasks, and the overwhelm is still there. 

Even though you may be accomplishing more than most, you still don’t feel successful.

Let me tell you, friend, it doesn’t have to be this way. 

This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I share with you 9 time-saving habits: a system used by highly productive, high-achieving entrepreneurs that you can use to gain hours back in your day! I can’t wait to share with you these tips that will help you be more productive, crush your goals, and reach your biggest dreams.  

If you’re ready to take back control of your time, grab something to write with and listen in!

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

“You need to define what success means to YOU.” 

What does it mean to be successful for you? And what does it mean to feel successful every day? Listen to this episode for a crucial brain-based exercise where you will picture yourself as successful and write down some important details . Make sure you tune in to this part, because this is where it all starts.  [7:35]

“Make sure you plan out your days the night before, with 3 things you need to complete to call the day a success.”

This starts the night before. When you have a clear vision for the next day, write down your three non-negotiable things that absolutely must get done. In the morning, when you’re looking at your notes from the night before, if those three things are still priorities (nothing else has come up), then schedule them in your planner. See the next step ;)  [17:01]


“Time block and schedule your to-do list!”


Do you know how highly successful entrepreneurs get things crossed off their to-do list? They put it in their schedule! They take their top three important tasks to complete, and block out a few hours of their day to complete those tasks. This allows you to have scheduled time to commit to these priorities. You don’t schedule meetings during that time or wander off to complete other tasks. Commit to the time you’ve assigned for those priorities.  [18:00]

It was hard to pick just a few key points to highlight in this episode, so make sure you dig into the entire episode and take notes on each of the nine steps of this plan! 

Bottom Line: You can have stress and achievement in a way that isn’t stressful or overwhelming. 

This Powerhouse Productivity™ Plan is such an impactful tool that allows us to get HOURS back in our day.

I am thrilled to give you my full implementation plan for all of these 9 steps (plus 6 more) that literally changed me from being a stressed out average achieving hamster on a hamster wheel to a highly productive and very successful (as defined by me) entrepreneur – living an EPIC life and having a business I love! 

This FREE program link will only be available for a limited time so grab yours now!

P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:

Download my FREE Epic Morning Routine 

In the morning, your brain is at its most receptive. It wakes in a neutral state. Your state of mind impacts your entire day. And my FREE Epic Morning Routine will help you elevate your state of mind to increase your productivity, achievement, and happiness! 

Click here to download the routine that changed my life can be completed in only 30 minutes (though, admittedly I love it so much I take longer to do it), but has lasting effects throughout the entire day.

Jumpstart your 90 Day Goals with the Master Your Momentum Workshop

I've created a 3 part workshop where I teach you how to harness the power of your brain, and the way it is wired, in order to get it working FOR you instead of AGAINST you so you can gain real momentum every single day towards your EPIC VISION! 

By the end of this workshop, you will:

Have absolute clarity on what you can (and will) achieve over the next 90 days

Tap into your deepest motivations to create true momentum toward your goals

Master your money mindset and embrace abundance

Create your unique Brain Priming script that enables your brain to create momentum

Have a detailed, step-by-step plan to keep momentum toward your goals every single day

What do you want your business to look like in 90 days?

Finally reach (or exceed) your 90-day goals every single time with the Master Your Momentum Workshop - get started TODAY!

Join my Epic Tribe on Instagram

This is where I freely share some of my best brain-based tips for thinking like a successful entrepreneur, growing your business, and creating unstoppable momentum toward the EPIC vision you have for your life. Check out my stories every day for your daily dose of Brain Fuel!

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “Success ideas in every area”:

“This podcast hits home because she talks about real stuff. The guests aren’t all just experts but they seem like they are friends. She is a wonderful interviewer and the actionable advice helps me think about my business. She has such a great variety of guests on her show! Thanks Dr. Shannon!”


I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.