Picture this. 

Thousands of lives are being transformed… bettered… changed!

People are walking in the fullness of their calling and in the fullness of their purpose.

People are living as the best version of themselves.

Good things are happening. People are being helped. Love and encouragement is being shared. 

And it’s all because you helped them get there by stepping into your calling and walking in your EPIC vision, creating a legacy movement, and changing the world. 

In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Alex Charfen about creating momentum in your business.

Alex Charfen is the author of the Entrepreneur Personality Type & The Billionaire Code. He helps entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses and build game changing teams through his Charfen Cadence. And I am one of those entrepreneurs! 

Epic Success has been growing in momentum for months now and I decided that I wanted to scale my business and build a world class team… Which is why I’m working with Alex!

I can’t wait for you to dive into this game changing podcast!

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:


“There are clear differences in what successful people do and so I started applying those things to my life.” 


After years of studying successful people, Alex found that there were similarities and commonalities in and between these people. And there were patterns within patterns and personality descriptors that began to shed light on common attributes that successful people had. Through this, he has created his Entrepreneurial Personality Type system. [6:15]


In today’s world, we have this belief that if you aren’t like everyone else, then something is wrong with you. 


Part of your superpower is being you! The real you! In today’s world, it’s easy to feel the pressures to “fit in”, show up, and be like everyone else. It can be difficult to be different and do things in your unique way. But I want to call you to it! You are you and nobody else! So walk in the fullness of who you are and live out your epic calling! [8:49] 


“Any attempt to be anything other than yourself only increases pressure and noise… it’s sabotaging your success.”


Who you are and how you show up is so important! And it has to be authentic! Waking up everyday and living a facade will take a toll on your business, your health, your finances, your life. You are you! So be the real, authentic, unique person that you are. And own it! [36:00]

I want to leave you with this challenge. Go to BillionaireCode.com and download the free resource: “The Nine Levels Every Entrepreneur Must Go Through To Get From Start-up To True Growth and Scale”.

In this resource, you’re going to discover where you are currently at in your business, what you need to do next to climb the “Billionaire Code”, and how to continue scaling your business to the growth you’ve been dreaming of.

I know this is for you. And I know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You are exactly who you are supposed to be! I know the world can be messy and intimidating but you are you for a reason! 

I want to see you walk in the fullness of who you are with confidence, joy, and clarity! I want to see you live out your mission in authenticity, vulnerability, and uniqueness! And I am here to help you do it!

As coaches (and those becoming coaches) making an impact on the world, we should be showing up big! passionate! and confident!

Now more than ever, coaching is a vital business that is growing faster than ever before and your voice and expertise is needed in the market.

Are you ready to step up to create lasting transformation for your clients & become the go-to coach in your niche?

Are you a heart-centered, passionate coach who wants to get powerful transformations for your clients, sell out your coaching programs, and grow your business to 6, 7, and 8-figures?

What most coaches don’t realize is that they are working against the way the brain is wired to get results.

The NeuroCoaching Certification™ program is the brain-based, science-backed coaching method that allows you to actually remove the blocks in the brain that are holding your clients back and to create success pathways in the brain to make success easier and faster - so that your clients get the results they are after and they become raving fans, helping you build a thriving coaching business.

If you’re ready to uplevel your coaching business and start living the life you’ve been dreaming of, then the NeuroCoaching Certification™ is for you (yes, even if you are a new coach)!

Spots are filling fast, so get your application in today at:  drshannonirvine.com/certification

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “Tangible and inspiring insi...”:

“I stumbled upon her podcast this morning And I’m hooked!! Just what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for sharing 👏”


I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.