You’re bombarded with what to do and say, am I right?

The online business content gurus say you have to create how-to content, be vulnerable, and be inspiring.

To their defense, this is how business online was built for the last 10-15 years. In today’s marketplace, this advice is becoming less and less relevant. You need to pivot and adjust your content or you will blend in if you don’t.

On today’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, my good friend Brandon Lucero is back! He shows you how to create demand with content, be everywhere with your content, and cause powerful shifts. He  breaks down why content should be doing 70% of the selling and that the selling doesn’t always have to happen in the sales funnel.

Brandon is a master of messaging and live video. He has helped me and many other incredible entrepreneurs clarify their message to stand out in their niche as thought leaders.

You have something the world needs to hear. Listen in to hear how you can shift your content and messaging to become an industry thought leader and impact more people.

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

“There are a lot of misconceptions about how to get your content seen right now.”

Brandon shares 5 common misconceptions in the marketplace right now. “You have to do a lot of how-to and educational content to add value.” “Serving your audience is what dictates your message.” “Being vulnerable builds connection.” “Inspirational videos are motivating.” “Sharing your life builds connection.” Listen in to hear how Brandon disproves and reframes these misconceptions. [4:36]

“Messaging should allow you to stand out because you’re doing something good”

Playing on the edges of your messages allows you to be a thought leader, instead of just a teacher. Messaging should better the world, create a better society, and impact your audience. Your messaging gives meaning to your content and should create value and demand for your offer. [15:00]

“Thought reversal is what gives you thought leadership.”

In order to become a thought leader, you must get someone to see a certain topic from a perspective they’ve never seen before without being aggressive. You literally shift people’s reality through thought reversal because our reality is built from our beliefs. Brandon shares examples taking you through the 3 steps to debunk a belief with compassion. [17:46]

Brandon says to create content from the understanding that everything is a belief and if that belief isn’t true 100% of the time, you can always shift someone’s perspective and end that suffering in their life.

I absolutely love that Brandon’s content & messaging approach aligns with the NeuroCoach ModelTM knowing that our thoughts create our beliefs, which then create our reality. So often the suffering in our lives is created from beliefs that are untrue and not serving us. This is the power of becoming the creator of your thoughts and empowering others to do the same.

Ready to take it a step further? Join my 5-part Money Mindset video series:

Think Like a Millionaire Entrepreneur

A Powerful Video Series to Supercharge Your Money Mindset
so you can (finally) THINK like a Millionaire Entrepreneur -
this IS the missing link between wanting success and achieving it!

Think of this video series as “Netflix for your money mindset.” I’ll  show you the brain science of success... so you can learn how to recognize and eliminate the hidden subconscious money blocks that hold you back from achieving greater financial success. Are you ready to Think like a Millionaire Entrepreneur?

Gain CLARITY on exactly what you’ll need to confidently grow your business and get the VISIBILITY you need. Adopt the CONFIDENCE and success-driven money mindset that will lead you to 6-figures (and beyond!) Learn how to laser FOCUS so you can create the money and success you’ve been craving in your business

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Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “She’s so real and aligned!”:


“Dr Shannon thank you for the work you do. I am so happy that I found
this resource and can put your recommendations and advice to use immediately.”

I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.