Fear is a liar.
Fear will tell you that:

You’re not good enough You don’t have enough expertise You’re not succeeding And so much more…

But, I want to tell you…That. Is. A. Lie!

Fear will keep us stuck, playing small, and feeling safe.

You were created for so much more. You have been given a God-sized mission and vision that you were created to share with the world!

I remember a time early on in my business where I allowed fear to grip me so tightly. I got so wrapped up in people-pleasing and working long hours because that’s what I thought I had to do, that my physical health began to fail in the way of adrenal failure. Something had to give, because fear was winning.

Once I let go of that fear, everything began to change. This doesn’t mean everything will be smooth sailing and rainbows, but when fear doesn’t rule our hearts and our mind, we can better handle whatever scenario is thrown our way.

In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I’m talking with my dear friend, Jennifer Allwood. She is absolutely crushing her business, and her book, “Fear is Not the Boss of You,” is literally changing lives. I am in awe of her entire journey and I know you will be just as encouraged by what she has to share.

This interview is a part of a series called Take Your Seat at the Table, where I’m interviewing the Queens from our Queens Table Mastermind, all multi- 7 & 8-figure female business owners. They are going to share their journey with you. The good, the bad, the pivots, the tears, and the victories so you can see that YOU deserve a seat at the table. When I was growing my business, I just wanted to be able to have conversations like this one to figure out how I could think differently. So…this is for you! Pull up a chair - you deserve the success you see behind your eyes!

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

It’s still work. Working online, from home is still work. We have to learn ways to optimize our business so that we are working smarter, not harder. We have so many things battling for our attention. However, if we say something is our priority, then we should work to make it our priority.

We miss goals. There are some goals that we hit and others that we don’t. Either way, it provides us with data and data doesn’t lie. It provides us with information, so there is no emotion with it. It gives us an opportunity to go back and reevaluate to find a way to make it work.

Don’t be afraid to shift and pivot. A gazelle is one of the quickest land animals, but they don’t run in a straight line. They are constantly shifting and pivoting and can ultimately outlast their enemies. Don’t be afraid to reevaluate what’s not working and shift and pivot to what does work. There is not just one way to reach success. 

Things won’t always go as planned in business. Life is full of ups and downs. Two lasting lessons that Jennifer shared with us is to 1. Go with your gut and 2. Address things as they happen. You are the steward of what God has given you and you will know best how to handle situations as they appear. Fear is not the boss of you! You got this!

To your success,
Dr. Shannon Irvine


P.S. Are you ready to unleash that next level of success in your business and in your life?

If we're going to break the entrepreneur glass ceiling and flip that switch to EPIC SUCCESS, to get qualified leads, to get paying clients, to get known in the marketplace, to get visibility, we've got to step through insecurity and fear.

RIGHT NOW - YOUR brain will not allow those things and it is VITAL you learn HOW to get your brain to allow SUCCESS…..

That is what we do inside the Incubator of Greatness FACEBOOK group called: 

The Unleashed Entrepreneur 

This is a place where Coaches, Entrepreneurs, and CEO's come to Access and Unleash their Greatness - To Unleash Your Sales, Your Business, Your Income, Your Freedom, Your Impact, and YOUR CALLING!

Button: Join the Community of Unleashed Entrepreneurs 

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review:

“Dr. Shannon is so knowledgeable and helpful, delivering value every episode! Love the podcast!”


I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

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