And just like that, the holidays are upon us and 2020 is coming to a close.

2020 has come with its own hiccups and bumps and complete stand stills. One thing that stands out however is your resilience, breakthroughs, lessons, and blessings.

I want to challenge you to take a moment to reflect on all of your best moments and wins of 2020 - your brain will thank you for it. 

Your brain will love the shot of serotonin that celebrating wins gives it!

In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, we are celebrating the end of 2020 by sharing the most popular podcast episodes we had this year. 

You’re going to hear from guests Dean Graziosi, Michael Hyatt, Hal Elrod, Pat Flynn, and Amy Porterfield in this epic episode. Buckle up… it’s a juicy one!

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:


“My old brain wants to compare me to my past and fights to come back and take control today.” -Dean Graziosi


Successful entrepreneurs are not magical unicorns. We aren’t lucky or in the right place at the right time. Successful entrepreneurs are the creator of their thoughts. They are aware of their thoughts and beliefs and are constantly at work to choose the thought that will bring them to the reality they dream of having. [6:43]

You can listen to the entire interview with Dean Graziosi here: 

“Vision is clarity around a future state. Vision is a clear, inspiring, practical and attractive picture of your organization’s future.” -Michael Hyatt

The primary function of a leader is to lead. But if you don’t know where you’re going to take people, you’re just going on a walk. To lead people you need to have a destination in view. Vision allows you to scale your business without having to sacrifice your personal and professional priorities. [17:17] 

You can listen to the entire interview with Michael Hyatt here: 


“We were wired to survive and rest. And that’s about it. Can the brain be wired for success?” -Hal Elrod


Your brain is wired to keep you safe and familiar. It’s the brain’s sole purpose. And here’s the thing… Your brain defines safety and familiarity by the things that are automated - repeated over and over again - in the brain. The amazing thing is… You can automate something new and show your brain a new safe and familiar way of living. [37:40]

You can listen to Hal Elrod’s interview with me, here: 


“What would you say to the person who says: I’ve done all the things. But now I’ve derailed. How do I go on?” -Pat Flynn


What you think, will become your belief. Your thoughts, matter! If you leave those stories in your subconscious, they will drive your actions. The great thing about our brain is that you can rewrite the stories you have around time, money, success, and failure to drive your actions to what we truly want. [1:01:15]

You can listen Pat Fylnn’s interview with me, here: 

“The minute you compare yourself to someone else can lead to the death of being an entrepreneur.” -Amy Porterfield

Comparison will always hold you captive. When you look at the front end of someone else’s business and you gauge it against the backend of your own, it’s easy to get discouraged and overwhelmed… maybe even wanting to give up. You’ve got to do the work around comparison in your brain so that you can become aware of the comparison thoughts and redirect them. [1:10:45]

You can listen to the entire interview with Amy Porterfield here: 

Well, there you have it! The BEST of the Epic Success Podcast this year! Power-packed, right? With 195 episodes and countless incredible guests on the Epic Success Podcast, there is so much binge-worth brain fuel! 

It’s been an incredible honor to bring you the most brilliant brains on the planet to share their genius so that you can train your brain to create epic success in your life & business!

Are you ready to finally TAKE Inspired ACTION and get out of your own way so you can create BOLD, revenue-generating results in 2021?

If you said Yeeeeeessss!!! then I want you to join me for the upcoming Free, 

Take Action Entrepreneur Mindset Challenge 

to learn how to take BOLD, Revenue-Generating Action in Just 3 Days, PLUS get the strategies you'll need to create consistent results and make 2021 YOUR year!

It’s happening Live from Monday, January 4th - Wednesday January 6th @ 10am PT / 1pm ET!

This Challenge is For YOU if you want the following...


Proven, brain-based strategies to accelerate your success in 2021 ​Emotional resilience to push past limiting beliefs and TAKE CHARGE To get out of your own way and emerge as an INDUSTRY LEADER BOLD, decisive action to achieve your results no matter what! To uplevel your core identity to finally see yourself as a LEADER!


You can register and save your seat here:

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “Brain priming is 🔥”:

“‘I have gained so much insight on myself, positivity and focus from Dr. Shannon’s brain 🧠 priming techniques. Her ability to explain the neuroscience behind out brains is fascinating, easy to understand and relatable. Her podcast is 🔥!”


I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!


If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.